We are struggling with Addison sleeping at night. She's got her naps down, falling asleep with minimal to no crying, but the nights have been rough lately. When she slept in her cradle in our room, she was sleeping 8, 9, or 10 hours before waking up. But these last 3 weeks she's been downstairs in her "big crib" and only sleeps 5 or 6 hours at a time at most. Two nights ago it was every 3 hours she was waking up, wanting to eat. I know she can't be hungry after 3 or 4 hours and she's proven to us she can do 9 or 10, but we struggle with how to handle it. Last night we said if she woke up before 3:30AM, we'd let her cry and calm herself back to sleep. Otherwise, I'd wake her up at 3:30, feed her, and hopefully she'd sleep the rest of the night. That's what the books say, to wean them off night feedings, wake them up yourself for a few nights and only feed a few minutes. But last night, 1:00AM came and she was crying. She cried until 1:55, when I finally gave in and fed her. Neither of us knew what to do, or what the right answer was... part of me feels like because I gave in to her, she had won, and know we have to start over. But at the same time, it's hard to listen to her so upset for so long. So... long story short- any suggestions for getting them to sleep through the night??