Wednesday, March 09, 2011

These two are the best of friends these days! So nice that they can play by themselves a bit :)

Love my little girl- she's growing up so fast! Some days I think she's 7 or 8...last night she even ate her broccoli and chicken without much complaint! Other days, though, she reminds me that she's still three ;) (which is ok with me)!!

One week til we head to the Dells for a couple days. About 17 days til we move. Hoping only 1 or 2 more days of snow ;) ... really ready for Spring!


Ana Heeren said...

Yea! Have fun at the Dells. Let me know when we can have a playdate again! Miss you!

Amelia Rice said...

I'm ready for spring too.

-Ms Rice

Taylor Lamb said...

I really love your blog!