Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dada... poop... stinky...
Addie's new favorite words, in that order! Don't ask... :)


natalie eve said...

Does she have the book Everyone Poops? Mary Lepien sent it to Nora :) It's her latest fave - grrreaaaaaaaatt! So we say poop a lot around here as well. But if you ask her if she poops in a diaper like a baby, she'll say "no". So I'll ask if she poops in the potty chair (totally not into it AT ALL!) and she'll say, "No. I no poop." Hmmm, what does that leave us with?

Anonymous said...

I have that book!! :) You can borrow it! And I agree...Brandt is stinky.

margaret said...

Those words are synonyms, right? :)